American Consumer Opinion® is made up of several million consumers worldwide who get paid to participate in surveys and research projects.


Decision Analyst originally created the American Consumer Opinion® panel in early 1986 as a small mail survey panel. Members were personally invited to participate in the panel by telephone, and answered the surveys via the mail. Since the surveys were conducted by mail, membership was limited to the United States. Members primarily tested and provided their feedback on new products. By 1995, the mail survey panel had approximately 20,000 Members.
Then, with the development of the Internet, the panel went online in 1996 and membership was opened up to all countries across the globe. The panel currently includes over eight million men, women, and children throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America, and Asia.
American Consumer Opinion® seeks opinions on a variety of topics. Recent surveys asked Members...
  • To evaluate new advertising for a retailer.
  • About how and why they purchase and the use of gifts cards.
  • Their opinions about the current economy.
  • Their thoughts about tanning products and how often tanning products are used.
  • To review an idea for a new fuel additive product for an automotive company.
  • To taste test a new snack food for a food manufacturer.
  • How happy they were with customer service from their local utility.


American Consumer Opinion® is owned and operated by Decision Analyst, Inc., a global marketing research and analytical consulting firm headquartered in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in the United States.
Decision Analyst was founded in the summer of 1978 in the State of Texas, (U.S.A) with one full-time employee. Today the firm has more than 175 employees and serves an array of Fortune 500 companies.